​Tobi's previous adventure
in New York City
A little dog finds himself alone in the vastness of Manhattan after his owner suffers an accident on the street. His two-year journey takes him to familiar neighborhoods and famous landmarks, but also into New York City’s more cheerless, sinister underside. He grows streetwise as every safe haven succumbs to relentless peril. Along the way he encounters other dogs, mostly larger breeds like pit bulls, some trained fighters, others gentle and caring whose family he joins. A resilient, tough little dog who feels love and hurt simply, as dogs do, he perseveres in the hope that one day he will get back home.
"This is the story of my life in Peru as I moved into the new Latin American Church and the new social order emerging in most of Latin America at the time. It is like the stories of many people my age who have had to grow and stretch themselves into a new era, some with more success than others, but all carrying the wounds of change and the conflicts that change brings in its wake. I hope that this account of my life in Peru will help you to consider your own life's journey to be a gift from God, one that you try to carry forward through joys and struggles the best you can." --GRACIAS PERU, chapter 1
A Life of

Courage Through
Patience and Perseverance
Garu is not as big, as strong, or as fast as his siblings. As the nest grows too small for the three of them, he falls from their mountain perch into a river below. Alone in the wild, Garu must learn to survive and hunt, but he can never truly be a golden eagle until he learns to fly. Later he musters the strength and courage he gained from his experiences in the wilderness to claim it as his kingdom. The vultures and ravens, however, are not his only problem . . .